Do you know outstanding alumni or alumnae who volunteer their time in support of Rensselaer? If you do, consider nominating them for one of the Rensselaer Alumni Association’s (RAA) annual volunteer awards, which are designed to recognize important alumni partners for the critical work they do.

Nominations are now being accepted for the 2015 RAA Awards Program, which recognizes outstanding alumni contributions in every area of volunteer work. Nominees may be new to their role, or have been involved for many years, and may have served in any area of the Institute. Awards are presented each year at Reunion & Homecoming, which will take place this year Oct. 1-4.

Nominations are also being accepted for the 2015 RAA Teaching Award, which recognizes current members of the Rensselaer faculty for their outstanding teaching techniques, contributions to the campus experience, and commitment to students.

Nominations for all the awards are due by May 1. Contact Joyce Kelly Martin at or (518) 276-6208 to find out more about award criteria and how to submit a nomination.