The Pillars of Rensselaer cordially invite all members of the Rensselaer community and the extended Rensselaer family to attend the annual memorial service honoring those faculty and staff who have passed away during the last year. Light refreshments will follow the service.
“We invite you to attend this event in remembrance of our colleagues,” the Pillars said in the invitation. Those who passed away while in service to Rensselaer will be eulogized. All others will have their names read and a candle lit in their honor.
A eulogy will be given for:
Denise Gely | Environmental Services
Names will be read and candles lit for:
Sandra Alderman | RPI Bookstore
Mary M. Arnold
Russell Bates | Plumbing
Mary M. Beierschoder | Chaplain’s Office
Judith Matisoff Block | Lighting Research Center
Michael Joseph Casey | Civil & Environmental Eng.
Jack Bartley Chaddock | Mechanical Engineering
William D. Chamberlain | Houston Field House
Edward Collins | Engineering
Fred N. Dickman Jr. | Civil Engineering
Robert E. Duffy ’51, ’54G, ’56Ph.D. | Aero. Eng.
Felix G. Farina | Paint Shop
Gordon B. Fiddes | Engineering
Augusta Field | Advising & Learning Assistance Ctr.
Virginia R. Fitzgerald | School of Architecture
William Nelson Gill, Ph.D. | Chemical Engineering
Ralph Haskell | Chemistry
Helen Hayes | President’s Office
Maybelle White Hebert | Navy ROTC
David C. Howard Jr. | Purchasing
Gerald “Jerry” Hoyt | Sodexo
George R. Jensen Jr. | RPI Print Shop
Claire Q. Jones | Purchasing
Barbara A. Killimayer | Library
Raymond Allen Lancaster | Finance
Margaret Ann McCarthy Leathem | Chaplain’s Office
Jerold “Jay” Joseph Lewandowski ’92 | Engineering
Rolland Frederick “Jack” Lovering Jr. | Electrician
Bornelius Timothy Moynihan | Materials Sci. & Eng.
George W. Pearsall ’55 | Materials Science & Eng.
Anna C. Perrotti | Nutrition & Dietary
Sally A. Purcell | Physical Plant
John S. Rebel | Physical Plant-HVAC
Meta Reid ’03G | Women’s Basketball Acad. Liaison
Carolyn Meredith Reynolds | Auxiliary Services
Richard P. Riendeau | Football Coach
Mary A. Risley | Environmental Services
Marcello “Marc” A. Ruggeri | Lally School of Mgt.
John C. Salerno | Biology
Kathleen E. “Kandy” Shannon’71,’80G | Athletics
Josephine M. Depta Sidur
James A. Steen
G.E. “Ted” Strader | RPI Print Shop
Barry A. Taylor ’56 | Lally School of Management
John C. Truman ’43, ’50G | Aeronautical Eng.
Ruth Fairbairn Varley
Linda M. Veiga | Physical Plant
Kathleen C. Whalen | Environmental Services
William A. Whyland, M.D. | Athletics
Joanne Wielewinski | Finance
Alice Keene Richardson Wilson | Library
Alexej “Alex” Wynnyczuk | Economics