Top to Bottom: Christophe Bystroff, Vincent Meunier, Thomas Sharkey, Peter Dinolfo.
Rensselaer’s faculty includes National Science Foundation Presidential Faculty Fellows, National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Award winners, and members of the National Academy of Engineering, the National Academy of Sciences, and other eminent professional organizations.
“Rensselaer faculty members take immense pride in their teaching and scholarship,” said Prabhat Hajela, provost. “They represent a dedicated community of scholars working in a collaborative manner on important interdisciplinary problems. They truly embody the core values of The New Polytechnic, a new paradigm for teaching, learning, and research that is required to address the complex challenges and opportunities of our day. I congratulate each of these faculty members on their professional advancement and on their outstanding accomplishments both inside and outside of the classroom.”
Following is the Promotion and Tenure List for fall 2014:
Christophe Bystroff, in the Department of Biological Sciences in the School of Science, has been promoted to full professor of biological sciences.
Vincent Meunier, in the Department of Physics, Applied Physics, and Astronomy in the School of Science, has been promoted to full professor.
Thomas Sharkey, in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering in the School of Engineering, has been promoted to associate professor with tenure.
Peter Dinolfo, in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology in the School of Science, has been promoted to associate professor with tenure.