Federal investments in research are paying off in scientific breakthroughs that are “unleashing the power and potential of proteins” in humans, which, by 2034, will have a significant effect on 
aging, according to an essay published by the Washington, D.C.-based Science Coalition.


Deepak Vashishth

“Many harbor this dream to age successfully, to maintain their ability to function well as they age; to live longer and better. By 2034, we may be able to live the dream,” according to “Science 2034” essay author Deepak Vashishth, director of the Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies (CBIS).

Science 2034 is an initiative by The Science Coalition to focus on the possibilities of the future. The Science Coalition staff notes that, while we don’t know what the next “Big Thing” will be, we can make some educated predictions about how well-funded scientific research might change our lives and our world. Scientists, policymakers, and thought leaders weigh in on what they think science will enable by 2034 and what that will mean to individuals, society, and the world.

“Proteins are the fabric of our lives. The human body and its microbiota potentially produce millions of proteins. With time, these proteins get modified, inactivated, damaged, or under- or over-produced. Therein lie the hazards and hopes,” Vashishth wrote.


Deepak Vashishth discusses progress in Alzheimer’s research and the future for personalized medicines for patients with the disease.

For example, “In my lab at CBIS, we have identified protein modifications in bone that, with aging, diabetes, and certain long-term drug treatments, make bone brittle. Armed with that knowledge, and the mechanisms that cause such modifications, we now know how to make old bones new again,” Vashishth wrote. He also discusses progress in Alzheimer’s research and the future for personalized medicines.

“Collaborative research at CBIS and elsewhere, all of which engages students and prepares the next generation as interdisciplinary experts, is made possible by support from the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation. Through continued federal support and public-private global partnerships among universities and industries, there is great potential to move the outcomes from the lab to the marketplace with extraordinary impact on health-care delivery and on day-to-day living for individuals,” according to Vashishth.

“Biotechnology and advanced techniques are unleashing a new era with solutions to old problems and a lifeline to emerging personalized treatments. At the current pace of change—capitalizing on our ability to better understand, alter, and produce proteins—we can begin to imagine that diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and osteoporosis, that now wreak havoc on our golden years, will become a distant memory,” he wrote.

Read the full essay and listen to the podcast online.