Middle school students toured through Rensselaer manufacturing facilities, including the Manufacturing Innovation Learning Lab, and viewed student organization exhibits.
More than 150 middle school students from around New York’s Capital Region visited Rensselaer Oct. 6 to celebrate National Manufacturing Day. It marks the fourth year Rensselaer has participated in the event, which aims to inspire young people to pursue careers in technology and advanced manufacturing. The opening program was held on the Rensselaer campus in the Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies auditorium.
“The School of Engineering at Rensselaer is a hub of vibrant activity in advanced manufacturing,” said Shekhar Garde, dean of the School of Engineering. “Our faculty are combining cutting-edge research and innovative pedagogy to provide world-class education and experiential learning in the field of advanced manufacturing. We are delighted to host the young visitors, expose them to innovative ideas and excellent facilities, and convey to them our belief that through good science and engineering, you can change the world for the better.”
Ryan Patry ’00, who serves as manager of advanced manufacturing at Sikorsky Aircraft, delivered the keynote address. Patry used his time on stage to speak about his experiences in manufacturing, and the importance of the innovative and versatile field in terms of the current national climate and future generations.
Following the closing ceremony, middle school students visited several labs that focus on Rensselaer manufacturing initiatives. Labs included: the Center for Automation Technologies and Systems (CATS), School of Architecture Fabrication Shop, the Biomedical Prototype Fabrication Studio, the Nano-M3 Design Lab, the Micro and Nano Fabrication Clean Room, the Haas Technical Center, and the Additive Manufacturing Lab. The students also visited the leading-edge Manufacturing Innovation Learning Lab (MILL), where Rensselaer students showcased their manufacturing projects. In addition, students had an opportunity to meet and learn from Rensselaer student clubs and other organizations, including the Rensselaer Motorsport team, the Design, Build, Fly team, and the Rensselaer Rocket Society.
The Rensselaer School of Engineering planned the university’s National Manufacturing Day events, with support from the Center for Economic Growth, Chief Executives Network for Manufacturing of the Capital Region, and the Rensselaer MILL and the CATS. In addition, the cities of Troy and Schenectady have played a large part in promoting and supporting National Manufacturing Day throughout the Capital Region.