On Saturday, March 7, RPI STEP (Science and Technology Entry Program), with support from the Boeing Company and United Technologies, will welcome Dr. Sampson Davis to speak to regional STEP participants and the Capital Region community. Dr. Davis is a board-certified emergency medicine physician at St. Michael’s Medical Center in Newark, N.J. He is also a founding member of the Three Doctors Foundation, an Essence Lifetime Achievement Award recipient, and the youngest physician to receive the National Medical Association’s highest honor, The Scroll of Merit. He will be speaking on health, education, leadership, and mentoring in the context of his 2014 book, Living and Dying in Brick City: Stories From the Front Lines of an Inner-City E.R.
The RPI STEP program is funded by the New York State Department of Education and is designed to assist disadvantaged secondary students and those from minority groups underrepresented in scientific, technical, and health-related professions “to acquire the skills, attitudes, and abilities to pursue professional or pre-professional study.”
The event is being held March 7 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Darrin Communications Center Room 308. Copies of Dr. Davis’ book will be raffled as door prizes. Participants are asked to check in to receive a ticket. Additional copies will be available for purchase and signing. ($5 per copy, exact cash only. Limit one copy per family, while supplies last.)
Seating is limited. For free reservations, contact RPI STEP at 276-3098 or email us.