This winter the Division of Strategic Communications and External Relations sent out a survey asking for feedback about Inside Rensselaer (IR). The online survey was announced in both print and online versions in January, and sent to all online IR readers.
Thank you to all faculty, staff, students, alumni and alumnae, parents, and community members who responded to the survey. We learned that 70 percent of respondents prefer an online version only, and an additional 18 percent prefer both online and print. Overall, more than half of survey respondents were very satisfied or somewhat satisfied with IR and only seven percent somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied. In addition, 71 percent of survey respondents agree or strongly agree that Inside Rensselaer helps keep them informed about the latest news from Rensselaer. Just over one-third of all respondents have shared a news story from IR through email or social media. Finally, the most often mentioned Rensselaer sources of news and information read by respondents are the MorningMail (by 28 percent of all respondents, The Polytechnic, and the Rensselaer website.
Starting this spring we are distributing an online version only, reserving future print issues for selective events in future semesters. We will stay focused on communicating news, events, and happenings on campus to keep readers informed and strengthen your personal connection with Rensselaer. Thank you for your response to the survey and your continued interest in and support of Rensselaer.
The winners of a $50 gift card to the RPI Bookstore, chosen at random from the survey respondents, are Jennifer Hunt, grant administrator in Research Administration and Finance, and Tom Haley, lecturer in the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering. Thanks to all who participated!