More than 170 creative and colorful photos were shared on the fourth annual RPI Spirit Day, which was held Friday, Feb. 13, in conjunction with Big Red Freakout weekend. Members of the Rensselaer community were encouraged to wear their Rensselaer gear to work, school, or play—to share their Rensselaer pride with the world.
Participants in Spirit Day were asked to post photos to social media with #RPISpiritDay. This year, photos came from locations on campus, around the U.S., and abroad—including Dubai, London, and Singapore!
Participants took photos individually and in groups—including families, friends, pets, and co-workers—along with an inventive array of props. Groups of alumni gathered around their corporate logos at work (or in GE Schenectady’s case, a wind turbine), and wore their hockey gear to support the team (Big Red Freakout was the following day). Two of the more memorable shots were from a spirited alumna holding the actual Stanley Cup, and a member of the Law & Order: SVU staff posing with her hockey sweatshirt and the stars of the show, Mariska Hargitay and Danny Pino. An impressive array of class years were represented as well, from the 1950s to current students.
The day included a contest with three categories: Best Corporate Picture, Best Selfie, and Most Likes. Pictures were voted on during the week of Feb. 16-20, and the winning individuals and companies received a special prize. Visit the RAA Facebook page to see the winners.
“Thanks to the many members of the campus community who participated, including everyone who submitted a photo, the Bookstore for providing Spirit Day sales, SEFCU for a special giveaway for those who wore RPI gear, the Union for inviting everyone to join in their photo shoot, and to everyone else who helped to make the day a success,” said Jeff Schanz, assistant vice president for alumni relations.
To see all the photos, visit the Rensselaer Alumni Association Facebook page.