By Azita Hirsa ’99, ’01G, ’11 Ph.D., senior lecturer in the RPI School of Engineering

As a proud alum, I have so many memories of the years I spent at RPI as a student. One of them was when I attended talks by guest speakers who not only shared their experiences, but also shared advice. For example, I still remember the afternoon I ran to DCC 308, right after class, to listen to Lou Gerstner, the CEO of IBM (from April 1993 until 2002). I didn’t want to be late for his talk and wanted the best seat in the house. Listening to him impart knowledge and advice was inspiring.

Fast-forward to when I joined RPI as a faculty member and decided that I want to recreate a similar experience in the courses I developed for our students (Management of Engineering and Technology, Ethical Engineer, and Engineering and Technology). In the fall of 2023, I started the Leaders in Action Conversations series with the goal of creating a platform for current students and recent graduates to learn from the experiences of accomplished alumni. I didn’t want our guests to lecture at us, but rather felt that it would be more useful if they conversed with our students. This is a unique opportunity for students to gain insights into real-world challenges and successes, allowing them to make informed decisions about their future.

How would I describe the series? As an initiative that builds a culture of connection, cohesion, and collaboration so that our students can:

  • Meet and network with alumni that are inspirational and exemplify the value of an RPI degree.
  • Walk away not only with relevant examples, but with ideas about the leadership tools and approaches that are effective.
  • Practice critical thinking and understand how to demonstrate their skills and abilities.

Thus far, students have learned what leadership is about and how others have navigated life after Rensselaer. They have also connected with alumni after the sessions and benefited from mentorship and even internships. Accomplished speakers have spoken about paths taken, their career, leadership, and critical thinking.

And if you are a proud RPI alum like me, you know that this series reinforces our brand and builds networks, helping us come together in pursuit of changing the world for the better!

Alumni leaders that have participated in the Leaders in Action Conversations since fall of 2023 include: Roy Davis ’78G; Linda Jojo ’87, ’92G; Jason Eichenholz ’93; John Kolb ’79; Paul DeLeo ’92; Marc Eigner ’97, ’99G, ’99 MBA; TJ Wojnar ’80; John Bennett ’74; John Capek B.S. ’83, M.E. ’84, M.E. ’85, MBA ’87, Ph.D. ’88; Thomas Capek ’86, Brendan Keegan ’91, and Curtis Priem ’82.

Please visit my faculty profile for more details on past and future conversations (click “Leaders in Action Conversations” on the left side).